Individualized, wholistic support

  • Physical health

  • mental health

  • spiritual health

  • physical health

    ⅓ of the world doesn’t have access to adequate food and 1.1 billion people lack access to water. Additionally, basic medical and dental resources and education are needed especially among the 1 billion living in extreme poverty. We are able to bring tactical support to transformational movements which are primarily in the developing world. This help not only brings relief, but makes lasting change possible through

    • Medical clinics
    • Building houses and latrines
    • Providing food relief
  • mental health

    The needs for mental health care where transformational movements are far outweigh the resources. We work with people who have experienced trauma, displacement, persecution, war and extreme poverty which all lead to deteriorating mental health. We equip community leaders with

    • Training in basic mental health care
    • Education and resources for grief and loss counseling
    • Tools for dealing with anxiety, depression, stress and trauma
  • spiritual health

    An estimated 94% of Christian leaders worldwide have had no formal training. Areas assessed in the health of spiritual leaders include theology, pastoral wisdom, cultural resilience and basic hermeneutics to name a few. Spiritual resources offered include

    • Leadership development
    • Pastoral and theological training
    • Spiritual health and wellness coaching

Signature Needs Assessment

A lot of nonprofits only do their thing in the place, timing and way that they're used to. We are the only nonprofit focused on the wholistic health of transformational movements that does a 360 degree assessment. We work with local leaders to discover what resources exists, what the biggest areas of needs are pertaining to physical, mental and spiritual health in the community and what support structures are in place. This important first step directs us in how we can best get behind those leaders and bring the best resources to bear on the most critical needs. 

The Game Changer - Technology

  • technology

    Since the Covid 19 pandemic the disconnected and semi-connected world is now connected. There are currently more internet connected devices in the world than human beings. We offer innovative resourcing of technology, such as free devices, WIFI hotspots and remote training that will make a greater dent and contribute greater lasting benefit to leaders’ physical, mental and spiritual education.

Hundreds of other  agencies exist to help with these needs, but research shows that none exist singularly to bring the best wholistic help to the most fruitful leaders of transformational movements. 

Exodus 17 is connected with several of the world’s most fruitful movement leaders on one hand and humanitarian agencies, churches and generous individuals on the other.

We are well positioned to help strategically assess and meet leaders’ unique needs with a wholistic, contextually savvy application of the most helpful resources.