Construction, kids, food relief
October 2025
Cost: $2300
Join our diverse team for a life-changing week of volunteering in Central America with something that everyone can do. If you have a passion to serve, a willing heart to learn or a love for people, this is a trip for you. This is a great opportunity to connect with locals as you work side by side.
Training: 5 mandatory team meetings will be held starting 10-12 weeks prior to departure. You will be trained and coached in a fundraising process that has been successful for many years.
Action steps: 1) Check to see if your passport is valid for 6 months from the return date of trip. 2) Let us know that you're interested. 3) Check with your doctor for immunizations recommended for you.
Leaders: Various regional champions
Accommodations: Partner's camp/bunks
Team size: 20 people
Age: 12+
Transportation: Plane and buses
Meals: Rice, fish, chicken & fruit